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Topic: "Server 2 Verräter Server?"

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Korpskommandant Hellgate, Mo, 19.4.10 21:07:55:

Elitesoldier! Du bist so ein NOOB wenns nicht läuft und du nimmanden hast den du verraten könntest resetest du! NOOOOOOOOBBBBBBBB!
Alias Mitschkefactory
General HoHoo, Tu, 20.4.10 1:01:40:

Noob? , this is SERVER2 not server1. Its not hard to dominate here ^^ Here isnt many active players. Try do play server1 where some players like live here - 24/h
General John F Kennedy, Tu, 20.4.10 5:46:36:

If it were easy to dominate here, there is no basis to remove himself. You can not just starting to lose because no one is kept for you. Have you ascribe to yourself but with your betrayal
General HoHoo, Tu, 20.4.10 9:21:42:

here is like few active players, if one player live here then he dominate. If u have real life too, u wanna sleep like 12hours and so on, u just lose everything.
addicted, Tu, 20.4.10 12:05:20:

if you have a good tactic, you'll win with beeing online just 1 time each day.
General John F Kennedy, Tu, 20.4.10 12:13:23:

But an hour in the day not necessarily enough. You should already be online more often. But 24 hours need not be. 'm Only several times a day for a short time online and you can still win. It depends how addicted already said on the tactics.
General Klaiber, Sa, 24.4.10 10:19:17:

You sleep 12h each day, HoHoo?
General HoHoo, Sa, 24.4.10 10:33:55:

10 hours is normal, smt happens that i sleep 12 hours but then im faked up.
Trivial, Su, 25.4.10 13:07:40:

if you have a good tactic, you'll win with beeing online just 1 time each day.

hohoo is right.
that will maybe work on this server. on server 1 you will have no chance with being online onetime a day. when someone starts here playing like on server 1 you will have no chance .

hmm 10 hours a day is also very much. i sleep maximum 8 hours a day and normal 6-7 hours.
General HoHoo, Su, 25.4.10 13:24:01:

Yea, i know that 10 hours is much but i just cant do nothing about that
Its faking good do sleep ^^

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