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Topic: "Server Update"

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[DA]Darkman, Tu, 28.10.08 16:26:53:
We need an Estonian interpreter.
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General Deadly Otter, Tu, 28.10.08 16:27:50:

hm yeah i think so too

war man explain in english what mutcher means
Generalleutnant one man, Tu, 28.10.08 16:46:31:

i mean you language is deutsch isnt it ?
General Deadly Otter, Tu, 28.10.08 16:48:27:

yes it is
Generalleutnant one man, Tu, 28.10.08 16:56:08:

you havent talk problem but i have and i talk good estonia i f you talk good estonia ?
General Deadly Otter, Tu, 28.10.08 16:59:50:

noo sry i canĀ“t speak one word
Generalleutnant one man, Tu, 28.10.08 17:01:13:

ha ha
General Deadly Otter, Tu, 28.10.08 17:03:04:

its okay but i can latein you know what it means?
Generalleutnant one man, Sa, 1.11.08 7:47:47:

whay i cant buy new houm ?
General Deadly Otter, Sa, 1.11.08 8:24:33:

houm... ?

hm i think you mean buildings and thats because the new update

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