Countries - Towns
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NrTownHome countryPopulationIncome+ TradePoints
21Antofagasta Chile336,438163,246 €206 €77
22Arequipa Peru887,367155,299 €253 €120
23Arkhangelsk Russia346,533170,504 €267 €116
24Ashgabat Turkmenistan891,879385,965 €641 €166
25Asmara Eritrea632,315224,680 €638 €184
26Astana Kazakhstan389,189344,604 €1,743 €118
27Asunción Paraguay537,221331,215 €1,175 €148
28Aswan Egypt273,45091,156 €72 €79
29Athens Greece752,173555,603 €745 €109
30Atlanta United States of America507,076264,285 €159 €122
31Atyrau Kazakhstan158,308192,814 €974 €66
32Auckland New Zealand408,874293,164 €698 €70
33Baghdad Iraq5,258,383433,798 €404 €446
34Bahía Blanca Argentina290,723111,291 €285 €79
35Baku Azerbaijan1,182,974394,210 €930 €189
36Baltimore United States of America631,318285,948 €172 €132
37Bamako Mali1,662,786385,202 €817 €257
38Bandung Indonesia1,627,023176,120 €255 €174
39Bangalore India5,180,533203,511 €300 €361
40Bangkok Thailand5,768,014553,221 €943 €418