Countries - Towns
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Page 21
NrTownHome countryPopulationIncome+ TradePoints
401Trujillo Peru804,505149,169 €320 €115
402Tunis Tunisia739,436405,163 €521 €153
403Turin Italy864,875269,461 €522 €86
404Ufa Russia1,024,480262,071 €594 €179
405Ulan Bator Mongolia903,273263,220 €1,000 €200
406Ürümqi China1,572,939191,729 €197 €213
407Valencia Spain854,131264,173 €650 €86
408Vancouver Canada1,998,979439,366 €784 €144
409Veracruz Mexico586,355182,087 €424 €111
410Vienna Austria1,676,942541,660 €2,432 €150
411Vientiane Laos226,292279,545 €842 €129
412Vilnius Lithuania543,642416,830 €752 €122
413Vladivostok Russia579,294202,079 €458 €138
414Volgograd Russia984,157252,599 €574 €173
415Voronezh Russia845,301233,654 €531 €160
416Walvis Bay Namibia60,795164,220 €288 €50
417Warsaw Poland1,705,941477,153 €365 €202
418Washington United States of America586,570415,925 €845 €192
419Wellington New Zealand183,582365,169 €775 €87
420Whitehorse Canada18,623101,392 €179 €33