Countries - Towns
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Page 4
NrTownHome countryPopulationIncome+ TradePoints
61Berne Switzerland121,837537,775 €751 €70
62Bilbao Spain354,928193,727 €117 €63
63Bişkek Kyrgyzstan914,932276,425 €655 €200
64Bissau Guinea-Bissau408,627207,015 €351 €160
65Bogotá Colombia7,137,849584,074 €1,825 €515
66Bordeaux France237,801221,196 €164 €57
67Boston United States of America582,824277,283 €167 €128
68Brasília Brazil2,406,478352,134 €586 €325
69Bratislava Slovakia424,116476,960 €1,685 €100
70Brazzaville Republic of the Congo1,180,176318,510 €413 €206
71Brisbane Australia1,823,939396,873 €201 €131
72Brussels Belgium1,039,942555,315 €977 €128
73Bucharest Romania1,921,279460,751 €1,625 €202
74Budapest Hungary1,666,892455,036 €1,303 €192
75Buenos Aires Argentina12,127,8141,044,425 €1,128 €745
76Bujumbura Burundi360,278243,655 €378 €154
77Bursa Turkey1,481,716173,742 €195 €136
78Busan South Korea3,402,335193,710 €226 €162
79Cairns Australia112,627176,824 €89 €58
80Cairo Egypt7,947,121630,944 €1,182 €547