Countries - Towns
Players: Wealth - Army strength - Underground strength - Fame worldwide
Unions: Union wealth - Union strength
Hall of Fame - Round history

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NrCountryPointsTownsPopulationIncome+ TradeAggressivityCrimerate
61 Ethiopia366179,183,000289,592 €1,082 €very highhigh
62 Liberia24113,283,000216,415 €726 €very highhigh
63 Moldova16713,640,000268,200 €818 €lowmedium
64 Burundi15418,731,000243,655 €550 €very highvery high
65 Oman5112,721,000413,605 €928 €very highhigh
66 Iceland701315,000465,750 €541 €lowvery low
67 Kosovo12712,113,000260,565 €618 €very lowmedium
68 Botswana9711,914,000409,570 €1,141 €mediumlow
69 Malaysia182127,737,000463,869 €1,110 €mediummedium
70 Sweden13619,146,000545,730 €3,246 €very lowlow
71 Hungary192110,071,000455,036 €868 €very lowmedium
72 Republic of the Congo20613,702,000318,510 €675 €very highhigh
73 Turkmenistan16617,193,000385,965 €641 €highmedium
74 Papua New Guinea13716,315,000281,575 €1,213 €highmedium
75 Belgium128110,629,000555,315 €3,087 €very lowmedium
76 Haiti18418,558,000292,790 €536 €very highvery high
77 Togo26415,588,000227,940 €663 €very highvery high
78 Nepal200126,942,000313,471 €1,283 €highhigh
79 Czech Republic151110,310,000505,155 €1,811 €very lowmedium
80 Nicaragua20215,353,000276,765 €1,195 €mediummedium